
  • Sealed Air is a plastic packaging company seeking a profitable growth model that can help them see a way forward. They needed to define what the future looks like in light of a rapidly changing landscape. Initial interviews with executives revealed that the company’s idea of innovation involved things like single-use plastic, which is being banned in many countries. We needed to help them think beyond that to a completely disruptive future.

  • Goals:

    • Understand human needs and external influences across the supply chain to unearth and priorities areas of opportunity for Sealed Air.

    • Generate and align ideas to help solve problems and satisfy Sealed Air’s goal to become the preferred protective packaging e-commerce channel partner for perishable products.


  • Conducted extensive research with executives and consumers. Generated research summary and personas & problem statements, shown below.

Research summary (full PDF available)

Personas & Problem Statements (full PDF available)

Conducted 2-day workshop with executives to discuss research findings, design thinking and innovation, and generate exciting ideas for future growth.

Outcome / Deliverables

  • By the end of this workshop the team had aligned on storyboards, wireframes, magazine covers, and a list of benefits and differentiators for their idea. We took the documents and produced a vision video for them. I don’t have these materials available to share but would be happy to discuss some of the specific, very promising ideas that came from this.