
  • Syngenta had paid for a lot of market research but needed help determining a meaningful problem that they could solve for their customers (farmers / growers) using technology. There were 3 goals for this sprint:

    • Understand the growers (via research and co-creation)

    • Develop a common understanding (via co-creation and ideation)

    • Articulate a shared vision for a Grower Digital Experience (via wireframes and prototypes)


I designed and co-facilitated a 5-day design sprint, modeled after the Google Ventures Sprint but with much more co-creation and design thinking included. I also did all the visual design work for the communications with the client, shown below.

  • Day 1:

    • Understand business challenges and expectations

    • Experience the lives of growers (co-creation with farmers)

    • Define a human-centered problem to solve this week

  • Day 2:

    • Consider innovative trends and ideas from other industries

    • Learn to focus on designing an experience, not just features

    • Start developing ideas for a Grower Digital Experience

  • Day 3:

    • Narrow down to final ideas

    • Develop ideas via storyboarding and other techniques (get real time feedback from farmers)

    • Get feedback and choose a final direction

  • Day 4:

    • Prototype ideas

  • Day 5:

    • Test prototypes with customers

    • Debrief: what did we learn

    • Plan next steps and roadmap

Outcome / Deliverables

  • High-level summary of the week to be shared internally

  • Syngenta was able to take the prototypes and feedback from Day 5 and move forward into production.